Cameroon is one of the few selections spared by the coronavirus since the beginning of the AFCON 2021. And this, the Indomitable Lions owe it to a battery of strict rules imposed by their technical staff. From our correspondent in Cameroon Cameroon’s Lions resist Covdi-19 Vincent Aboubakar and his team have not yet recorded a case of Covid.
The Covid-19 is banned from the Complexe Mundi in Yaounde, where the Cameroon national team has taken up residence. Since the beginning of the 33rd AFCON, the host country has been one of the few countries to escape the virus. A stroke of luck? No,” said a source within the technical staff.
I would say that it is rather the result of a certain number of strict measures that we impose on the players on a daily basis”. And at a press conference, coach Toni Conceiçao explained “we put the team in a kind of closed space. The players do not have access to their families and loved ones. A “necessary sacrifice The technical staff of the Cameroon team has created an impenetrable sanitary bubble. No one enters or leaves without being tested negative.
The players are somewhat assigned to rooms,” murmured one of the 28 selected players who requested anonymity. There are no activities that bring us all together other than training and eating. Apart from these two activities, we stay in the rooms. It’s not prison, but it’s a necessary sacrifice to keep yourself healthy. If the living conditions have been tightened within the den, it is because at the beginning of the course, in December 2021, many cases of Covid-19 had been recorded among the staff of the Complex. No one goes without a pass “At the beginning of the course, Covid-19 tests were carried out on the Complex staff. We realised that 80% of the employees were positive; that’s why we had four cases in our workforce.
In particular Michaël Ngadeu, Christian Bassogog, Pierre Kunde and Jean Effala. Fortunately, the competition had not yet started,” reports another source. “From now on, all the staff work and sleep in the Complex. If a staff member has a family emergency, he is released and upon his return, he undergoes PCR tests for three successive days before being admitted back into the compound,” continues our informant.
According to the source, a rapid test centre has been set up inside the Indomitable Lions training camp. And every official visitor is obliged to undergo a test before gaining access. “Everyone is required to undergo these obligations, even CAF teams,” has learned. It is still very much in the minds of Cameroon’s opponents. Especially this morning after the announcement of 12 cases of Covid-19 recorded in the ranks of Comoros.